Tag: Trump

  • Finance English 2024-07-02-1130

    Finance English 2024-07-02-1130

    Presented by listen headlines, latest financial news from trusted sources. Length: 05:19 Presented by listen headlines, latest financial news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Updating daily noontime New York City @ – item link #2 How Partisan Media Covered the Trump Immunity Decision https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/02/business/media/partisan-coverage-supreme-court-trump-immunity.html Santul Nerkar New York times Business @ July…

  • Finance English 2024-06-29-1130

    Finance English 2024-06-29-1130

    Presented by listen headlines, latest financial news from trusted sources. Length: 05:01 Presented by listen headlines, latest financial news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Updating daily noontime New York City @ – item link #2 What should I ask Kyla Scanlon? https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/900302132/0/marginalrevolution~What-should-I-ask-Kyla-Scanlon.html Tyler Cowen Marginal REVOLUTION @ June 29. 11:08 – America…

  • Finance English 2024-06-29-0700

    Finance English 2024-06-29-0700

    Presented by listen headlines, latest financial news from trusted sources. Length: 07:45 Presented by listen headlines, latest financial news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 How Does Bird Flu Spread in Cows? Experiment Yields Some ‘Good News.’ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/29/health/bird-flu-dairy-cows-infection.html Carl Zimmer New York times Business @ June 29. 05:04 – America New York item…

  • World News 2024-06-28-0800

    World News 2024-06-28-0800

    presented by listen headlines dot com, latest world news from trusted sources. Length: 07:49 presented by listen headlines dot com, latest world news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Kashmir Frontier Woman Leads the Way in Breaking Down Patriarchy https://www.globalissues.org/news/2024/06/28/37078 Global Issues Global Issues News Headlines @ June 28. 10:41 – America New…

  • World News 2024-06-26-0800

    World News 2024-06-26-0800

    presented by listen headlines dot com, latest world news from trusted sources. Length: 07:51 presented by listen headlines dot com, latest world news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Julian Assange once told me his secret to surviving impossible odds https://www.rt.com/news/600045-julian-assange-wikileaks-ecuadorian-embassy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS RT R T World News @ June 26. 07:15 – America New…

  • World News 2024-06-25-0800

    World News 2024-06-25-0800

    presented by listen headlines dot com, latest world news from trusted sources. Length: 07:39 presented by listen headlines dot com, latest world news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Xi outlines intention to resolve Ukraine conflict https://www.rt.com/news/599942-xi-ukraine-conflict-trade/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS RT R T World News @ June 25. 07:20 – America New York item link #2…

  • Finance English 2024-05-11-1130

    Finance English 2024-05-11-1130

    Presented by listen headlines, latest financial news from trusted sources. Length: 05:11 Presented by listen headlines, latest financial news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Updating daily noontime New York City @ – item link #2 Mary Wells Lawrence, High-Profile Advertising Pioneer, Dies at 95 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/11/business/mary-wells-lawrence-dead.html Robert D. McFadden New York times Business…

  • World News 2024-05-10-0830

    World News 2024-05-10-0830

    presented by listen headlines, latest world news from trusted sources. Length: 05:16 presented by listen headlines, latest world news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Updating daily at 6 AM New York @ – item link #2 A “Mammoth” carbon capture facility gets up and running in Iceland https://www.cbsnews.com/news/carbon-capture-mammoth-facility-iceland-climate-change-co2-emissions/ World C B S…

  • World News 2024-05-09-0830

    World News 2024-05-09-0830

    presented by listen headlines, latest world news from trusted sources. Length: 05:11 presented by listen headlines, latest world news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Updating daily at 6 AM New York @ – item link #2 Australia and Tuvalu’s new security deal clarifies ‘veto power’ over defense agreements with other countries https://www.foxnews.com/world/australia-tuvalus-new-security-deal-clarifies-veto-power-defense-agreements-other-countries…

  • World News 2024-04-25-0830

    World News 2024-04-25-0830

    presented by listen headlines, latest world news from trusted sources. Length: 05:14 presented by listen headlines, latest world news from trusted sources. @ – item link #1 Updating daily at 6 AM New York @ – item link #2 Trump vows to beat Biden in New York as he goes into campaign mode on morning…