World News 2021-08-14-1830

presented by listen headlines, latest world news from trusted sources.

Length: 07:33

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World News – 2021-08-14-1830 Audio Stream

Taliban air force clear for takeoff? Militants show off captured aircraft as fighting approaches Kabul outskirts (VIDEOS)


R T World News @ August 14. 17:42 – America New York item link

Taliban closes in on Afghan capital as British troops in airlift race rescue bid

[email protected] (Keir Mudie)

Mirror World news @ August 14. 17:12 – America New York item link

Mediterranean heatwave roasts Spain with record high temperatures of 48C

[email protected] (Karen Rockett)

Mirror World news @ August 14. 17:02 – America New York item link

Haiti earthquake: At least 227 dead and hundreds more missing after devastating tremor

[email protected] (Talia Shadwell)

Mirror World news @ August 14. 16:42 – America New York item link

Texas Takes Fight Over Mask Mandates to State’s Top Court

Andrea Kannapell

New York Times World News @ August 14. 16:41 – America New York item link

Israel furious after Poland’s president approves law denying victims of Holocaust property claims


R T World News @ August 14. 16:39 – America New York item link

Tot wakes with ‘legs on fire’ and blanket melting after evil Taliban shrapnel blast

[email protected] (Dan Warburton)

Mirror World news @ August 14. 16:27 – America New York item link

Fears suspected Russian spy David Smith has blown cover for 20 MI6 officers in Germany

[email protected] (Nigel Nelson)

Mirror World news @ August 14. 16:19 – America New York item link

As U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Top the Civil War’s Toll, We’re Repeating Disease History

Rachel Lance

TIME @ August 14. 16:16 – America New York item link

Zambia election: President claims vote was not free and fair

B B C News World @ August 14. 16:05 – America New York item link

Social Media Becomes a Pivotal Resource for Earthquake Photos and News

Isabella Grullón Paz

New York Times World News @ August 14. 15:57 – America New York item link

Haiti’s civil protection agency says at least 227 killed, hundreds injured and missing, in earthquake

A B C News International @ August 14. 15:53 – America New York item link

Afghan lawmaker says central province of Daykundi surrendered to Taliban, with only two gunshots heard in capital, Nili

A B C News International @ August 14. 15:01 – America New York item link

Afghan lawmaker says eastern province of Kunar has fallen to the Taliban without a fight

A B C News International @ August 14. 14:36 – America New York item link

“Violent” earthquake strikes Haiti

World C B S News .com @ August 14. 14:23 – America New York item link

Afghan lawmaker says the capital of Laghman province, northeast of Kabul, has fallen to the Taliban without a fight

A B C News International @ August 14. 14:16 – America New York item link

Taliban captures Mazar-i-Sharif, last major government stronghold in Afghanistan’s north


R T World News @ August 14. 14:06 – America New York item link

Girl, 18, kills herself after two men she accused of rape are freed from custody

[email protected] (Feza Uzay)

Mirror World news @ August 14. 14:03 – America New York item link

Bucharest gay pride march resumes after coronavirus pause

A B C News International @ August 14. 14:01 – America New York item link

Rahul Gandhi: Twitter restores Congress party member accounts

B B C News World @ August 14. 13:46 – America New York item link

U.S. Embassy in Kabul will be mostly evacuated within 72 hours

World C B S News .com @ August 14. 13:35 – America New York item link

Russia can renew BBC journalist visa if UK responds in kind

A B C News International @ August 14. 13:17 – America New York item link

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World News 2021-08-14-1830



