World News 2021-08-15-0730

presented by listen headlines, latest world news from trusted sources.

Length: 07:42

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World News – 2021-08-15-0730 Audio Stream

Powerful quake adds to Haiti’s misery, killing at least 304

By Regina Garcia Cano and Evens Sanon | AP

Washington Post World @ August 15. 12:10 – America New York item link

Taliban Enter Kabul as Panic Spreads in Afghanistan’s Capital

Wall Street Journal world news @ August 15. 06:35 – America New York item link

2 dozen Rohingya refugees feared drowned in Bangladesh

By Julhas Alam | AP

Washington Post World @ August 15. 06:29 – America New York item link

2 dozen Rohingya refugees feared drowned in Bangladesh

A B C News International @ August 15. 06:29 – America New York item link

One more body recovered after helicopter crash in Russia

A B C News International @ August 15. 06:13 – America New York item link

One more body recovered after helicopter crash in Russia

By Associated Press

Washington Post World @ August 15. 06:13 – America New York item link

Afghan official says troops surrender Bagram air base to Taliban; base is home to prison housing 5,000 inmates

A B C News International @ August 15. 06:09 – America New York item link

Taliban fighters lounge around in warlord’s lavish gold palace after he flees

[email protected] (Dave Burke)

Mirror World news @ August 15. 06:06 – America New York item link

Iceland has been a vaccination success. Why is it seeing a coronavirus surge?

By Reis Thebault

Washington Post World @ August 15. 06:00 – America New York item link

Taliban enter Kabul outskirts, await ‘peaceful transfer’ of Afghanistan capital

Dom Calicchio

FOX World News @ August 15. 05:40 – America New York item link

Flooded coal mine in China’s Qinghai kills 1, 19 trapped

By Associated Press

Washington Post World @ August 15. 05:24 – America New York item link

Flooded coal mine in China’s Qinghai kills 1, 19 trapped

A B C News International @ August 15. 05:24 – America New York item link

Afghan official tells AP that Taliban negotiators heading to presidential palace to prepare for a ‘transfer’ of power

A B C News International @ August 15. 05:17 – America New York item link

VIDEOS show Taliban fighters lounging in luxurious ex-home of US-backed warlord as pundits blame grift for collapse of Afghan army


R T World News @ August 15. 05:09 – America New York item link

Afghanistan’s collapse leaves allies questioning U.S. resolve on other fronts

By Liz Sly

Washington Post World @ August 15. 05:00 – America New York item link

How Beijing Has Buried Hong Kong’s Last Vestige of Democracy

Austin Ramzy and Tiffany May

New York Times World News @ August 15. 05:00 – America New York item link

Taliban spokesman says ‘we are awaiting a peaceful transfer of Kabul city’ after insurgents enter capital’s outskirts

A B C News International @ August 15. 04:56 – America New York item link

Terrified Haitians sleep in streets after earthquake as tropical storm moves in

[email protected] (Chris Kitching, Andre Paultre)

Mirror World news @ August 15. 04:53 – America New York item link

Group Behind Some of Hong Kong’s Biggest Protests to Disband

Wall Street Journal world news @ August 15. 04:44 – America New York item link

After UN climate report, individuals seek to do their part

A B C News International @ August 15. 04:19 – America New York item link

Taliban say in a statement they don’t plan to take Kabul ‘by force’ as sporadic gunfire echoes in Afghan capital

A B C News International @ August 15. 04:04 – America New York item link

Japanese taxpayers were shut out from Olympic venues. But they now can view the staggering bill.

By Michelle Lee and Simon Denyer

Washington Post World @ August 15. 04:00 – America New York item link

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